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Product Spotlight: Boosting Enrolment with Streams (+ Roadmap Update)

Wednesday 22nd November 2023
16:30 BST | 11:30 EST

Join Ciara and David, get a sneak peek into our upcoming releases, and learn how you can engage future students with Streams.

TAP's product spotlight sessions are back, and this time we wanted to give some love to Streams, our online event feature that's been used by many institutions to keep future students engaged throughout the critical Conversion and Enrolment stages of the student journey. Here's what we have on the agenda:

★ Engaging future students with Streams: See how Streams work, and how the University of Galway used online events to keep students engaged in the lead-up to their first day on campus.

★ What's next for TAP (and you!): Communities, Digital AI Assistant, a big Ambassador App update - our product roadmap is packed full of releases for the upcoming months, and we want to give you an exclusive sneak peek!

★ Ask us anything: David and Ciara can't wait to answer all of your questions about Streams and future TAP updates - no question is too big or too small. 

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